Myanmar Writhes in the Grip of Its Junta

YANGON, Myanmar - A year ago, Myanmar's police and military stormed the streets of this moldy, crumbling city and began a deadly crackdown on thousands of Buddhist monks protesting sharp rises in the price of food and fuel. Now the country's ruling generals are steeling themselves for a reprise.

'Rudd-speak' confuses Germans, Aussies

TRANSLATORS scramble for German equivalent of "detailed programmatic specificity".

Beyond Nebraska's Prairies

To many, Nebraska conjures an image of flat prairies, stretching to the horizon. But tucked in a north-central patch of the state is the Niobrara River Valley, filled with wildlife, rolling hills and waterfalls.

Bailout Plan Wins Approval; Democrats Vow Tighter Rules

Even as President Bush signed the $700 billion economic bailout into law, lawmakers said it was only a first step and pledged to make a sweeping overhaul of financial regulation.